New Year “re-solutions” – Lifestyle Transitions (Part 2)

Posted by Simon 31 December 2010
Filed under Lifestyle Transitions, News & Events, Observations & Insights.

When faced with a Lifestyle Transition, many of us don’t realise its full impact until too late. Hence, outcomes are rarely maximised. Many of us don’t even realise that it is an opportunity to grow and renew: to re-solve.  Others aren’t sure as to how to approach the transition and are left floundering with misaligned goals, an unachievable action plan and unfulfilled potential.

It is these transitions in our life, whether by design or by circumstance, that present us with a significant chance to change and transform and to begin to bring some major achievement to fruition. They should be approached not with caution but with enthusiasm, not with indifference but with commitment.

But there are other aspects that need to be considered when embracing and optimising a lifestyle transition. These aspects include a thorough appreciation of who you are and what is important to you as an individual, where you have come from and the skills you have acquired along the way. This appreciation needs to be coupled with an understanding of what it is that you are seeking to achieve and how best to utilise the situation that you’re currently in.

You will then be able to develop a strategy and make a plan so that you may capitalise on your current circumstances. This will position you to make informed decisions, focus on your future and clarify your aspirations and goals.

My work with individuals encountering lifestyle transitions has highlighted the need to provide a time for reflection on the past as well as an opportunity to look at the present with clarity of thought and an acknowledgement and acceptance of your hidden skills and talents. This allows a certainty, a sharper perspective and a wider field of vision when looking towards the future.

If you are keen to learn more about moving beyond setting simple “New Year Resolutions” to successfully embracing a “Lifestyle Transition” please join me for an experiential and interactive workshop that will enable you to transition, reposition and take the next steps.

For full details please refer the Lifestyle Transitions flyer or contact us on

New Year Resolutions – New Year “re-solutions” (Part 1)

Posted by Simon 29 December 2010
Filed under Lifestyle Transitions, News & Events, Observations & Insights.

For many of us, this is a time for tradition. But it is not necessarily a tradition that brings fulfilment. Often many of us, if we were really honest, are left with a sense of emptiness and un-fulfilment. We follow the same tradition leading up to the festive season, overindulge during the festive season, engage in the same conversations with the same people throughout and then seem to always get the same outcomes. For many the outcome is increased disappointment and regret at “what has been”. For others it may be increased frustration and anxiety at sensing a widening gulf between where they are and “what could be”.

Perhaps it is outcomes such as these that have led to the heightened significance of another tradition that often takes place at this time of year:  New Year Resolutions.

Typically, these resolutions encompass a decision as to some future action and are often accompanied by a strong intent and considerable bravado. The fact is, however, these resolutions are seldom achieved, rarely adhered to and often unremembered the morning after the night before when they were proclaimed.

Why is that?

Perhaps we would have greater success at achieving these resolutions if we realised what a resolution was really all about. A resolution is really a re-solution. In other words, it is the act or process of resolving something or breaking it up into its constituent parts or elements. And what is “resolving” other than re-solving something. All this implies that within each of us there are the answers to our questions as well as the clarity that we need to be able to move beyond the burden of “what has been” and to leap the gulf to “what could be”.

To re-solve is to solve again or anew. It is to look at each element of the issue that is the focus of our attention and then to instigate change or transformation to enable a new outcome.

I wonder how often we allow ourselves the opportunity to really look at each element of an issue? By this I mean the deeper causal elements such as “what role am I playing in this situation?” and “how can I take responsibility in this issue?”  Once we are able to drill down to this level we are able to seek to re-solve an issue and then set a resolution to change our situation.

This brings us back to the original source of the word resolution. It comes from the Latin resolutio meaning a loosening, an untying, a relaxation.

So, to achieve the outcome we are seeking, we need to be easier on ourselves rather than harder on ourselves.

Put another way, we need to listen to ourselves rather than ignore ourselves. Obviously this means listening to our bodies in terms of what it requires by way of nutritional inputs. But it also means listening to our spirit and understanding what it requires to remain stimulated and enthused.

Once we are able to do this we will be capable of great achievements; achievements that can’t easily be encapsulated by mere words proclaimed in a “New Year Resolution”.  In fact, we will be capable of actively embracing huge transitions in our life with considerable focus, clarity and certainty.

It is these lifestyle transitions that often are the turning points for many of us and they often are the underlying source of our need to proclaim resolutions in the first place. “I’m going to get my health in order”, “I’m going to get my business back on track”, “I’m going to go back and finish my studies”, “I’m going to settle down and have children”. These are just some of the types of resolutions that get proclaimed (some ever so softly) at this time of year.

But so many of us plan to fail, simply because (as the saying goes) we fail to plan.

To be continued …

Upcoming Workshops in 2011 – Lifestyle Transitions

Posted by Josephine 07 December 2010
Filed under Lifestyle Transitions, News & Events.

The next workshop scheduled for 2011 is “Lifestyle Transitions – Transitioning, Repositioning & Taking the Next Step” .  This workshop will be held on January 19th, 2011 and is part of the Bruce Balance Lifestyle Series.

Transitioning (or change), for some, is a scary place to be – think “mid-life crisis”, redundancy, retrenchment, new job, parenthood, new business, new career, etc.  The good news is it DOESN’T HAVE TO BE! This is why Bruce Balance has designed this workshop specifically for those people going through change or contemplating change in their lives.

We are all BUSY people striving to live balanced, harmonious lives.  We all wish to get the most out of life and we all desire to have the best in life.  So, why not decide to invest in yourself, take the time to really think about what you would like to do with your life and then develop a plan to achieve it.  What would you love people to say about you?  What would you love to be known for?  What special gifts and talents do you have and what can you do to be of service to other people and the rest of humanity?

The Lifestyle Transitions Workshop is a brilliant opportunity for you to really set yourself up for 2011 and achieve some major goals and dreams that you have been wanting to achieve and bring to fruition for a long period of time.  This workshop is very much about learning how to transition yourself and/or your business in order to position yourself to be able to take advantage of and attract opportunities that are congruent and in line with what you wish to achieve and that you feel are going to enhance and add to your life.

You deserve to be rewarded for all your hard work and efforts and it is wise to be rewarded with outcomes that are congruent with who you are and what you believe to be true for you.  This is a workshop that is very much about YOU, your life, your wants, dreams and desires!  You literally get the opportunity to create the life that you want to live and develop a realistic and achievable plan to make it happen.  There is no better time to do it!   Let 2011 be the year you begin to turn those dreams into reality – after all, everything that is tangible (meaning “outside” of you, touchable, seen) and that can be touched, firstly began as a dream that was intangible (meaning “inside” of you, hidden, unseen).

To consider whether this workshop would be perfect for you, ask yourself if you are one of those people who would like:

  • Clarity around a situation, relationship, business, career, a decision, etc.
  • Help with direction – needing to know what to do first, where to go next or which is the right step to take
  • A clear vision, a definite purpose or a strategy of what you are going to do & why you are going to do it
  • A simple, detailed step-by-step plan of how you are going to achieve your goals
  • Support, encouragement, ideas or inspiration
  • To restructure or re-evaluate your life, current business or whatever you are doing
  • To add more value to your business and for your clients
  • To turn your hobby into a viable business
  • To attract more clients, innovate your business and create multiple income streams
  • To work smarter not harder, so you do less, but live more
  • To live a fulfilled, balanced and harmonious lifestyle so that you can enjoy doing more of the things that you love to do but feel you never have the time or space for.

The best investment you will ever make is in yourself because no one can take that away from you.

If you would like to register for the workshop, please send an email to  If you would like to know more about the workshop, come along to one of the Information Sessions we have scheduled for next week – details are on the flyer.  Click on the link below:

Lifestyle Transitions Workshop Flyer – Jan 2011

We look forward to helping you to realise your dreams in 2011!