Presenting For Success – Back by popular demand

Posted by Simon 04 September 2011
Filed under Individuals, News & Events, Organisations, Personal Empowerment, Professional Impact.

The Presenting For Success Workshop is on again.

This time its being held on Wednesday 28th September.

Contact us for full details.




Presenting For Success

Posted by Simon 08 August 2011
Filed under Individuals, News & Events, Organisations, Personal Empowerment, Professional Impact.

“The key to impactful presentations is not just knowing your material and your audience, it is knowing yourself.”

As part of Victoria’s Small Business Festival, we have been invited by the Brunswick Business Incubator to conduct a workshop aimed at developing presentation skills. The workshop will be held on the morning of Wednesday 31st August and will be followed by a light lunch.

The workshop is designed for everyone needing to make presentations to clients, colleagues and stakeholders.   Participants will learn how to design and deliver presentations that have real impact.

The cost is subsidised by Brunswick Business Incubator and all enquiries and registrations are to go via them. Please refer the attached flyer for full details.

The Business Of Fasting: Insights and Outcomes

Last week Josephine and I presented a breakfast seminar to a range of business owners on The Business Of Fasting: Transforming Health Vitality and Prosperity For You and Your Business.

It was a lively session with plenty of questions and interest from those who attended. For many the conversation continues!

It’s always interesting to hear how others respond and reflect on our seminars and it is even more rewarding when participants share the outcomes and highlight how significant they are for themselves and the people they work with.

One of our participants shared the following observations from the session and has kindly allowed us to reproduce them. Not only does it make great reading, but it highlights the key points that we were seeking to share in our session.

Thanks, again to our hosts, Austbrokers Countrywide.

Summary of the key points from the seminar.

1. To Fast means to hold strong, to strengthen, and should be considered and implemented in a business sense, in order to achieve greater success in your business.

2. Go through the Pain of Change in order to achieve success.

3. Business is based on functions, so you need the harmony of the functions to achieve success, in the same sense as you need a harmonious body.

4. How do you track and monitor the health of your business – track to the end game and avoid getting sidetracked on the little things (maintain the purpose)

5. Maintain the focus on achieving the purpose for clarity of decision making.

6. The function must add value, challenge the function to ensure that it forms an integral part of the end game (purpose for being in business)

7. The foundation of all business are based on trust and accountability – do the functions all trust each other and are they accountable to each other?

8. 80/20 rule

9. Add value and make it less about you and more about them (client / other functions of the business) – consider and examine what do you add as part of the whole.

10. What can you stop doing to add greater value?

11. Does one function need to mentor another to achieve the goal / end game?

12. What is the one thing you can do that will have a profound result?

13. Two key attributes of a business leader – reflect on what has happened and proactively anticipate what will happen

The Business of Fasting: Transforming Health, Vitality and Prosperity For You and Your Business

We are pleased to announce a free seminar upon to the public that will allow us share our experiences on undergoing an extended water fast.

Fasting is often seen as the most effective way to cleanse and regenerate our body.

The principles of fasting are also acknowledged as one of the most optimum ways to maintain overall health, vitality and wellbeing. Fasting can, and does, enable us to enjoy a sense of prosperity in terms of our health.

But fasting can give us many more benefits, not only in terms of our health, but also in terms of our understanding about what is truly important to us in all aspects of our life.

In this engaging and intriguing session we will share:

  • Learnings on a literal and personal level: physically in terms of the body; mentally, in terms of the mind; and emotionally, in terms of vitality, energy and self-awareness
  • Learnings on a metaphorical and organisational level in the context of managing their consultancy, serving organisations and engaging with clients
  • The vital elements required to build and maintain a business and what it takes to continually grow the business for longevity and survival

Our insights and observations will provide an understanding that:

  • The simple things you do actually brings the most profound results
  • It is important to know what you are doing and why you are doing it
  • Just as the body is based on functions (and has vital organs) so too are organisations

Whilst not advocating or encouraging participants to take on an extended water fast, we will, by simply sharing our observations and imparting our knowledge, will seek to encourage participants to begin thinking about making small, but necessary, incremental changes to their lives.

An important part of our client engagements is to seek to empower people by inspiring them to question what is the kind of health and vitality they want to achieve for themselves, their business and their professional relationships.

You will come away from this session with valuable knowledge that has the potential to improve your personal health and wellbeing and to clarify your organisation’s focus and mission.

We’d love to see you there so please find full details here.

We thank our friends at Austbrokers Countrywide for sponsoring this seminar.

If you can’t make this session but feel that there are key messages for you or your business to learn, then please contact us to arrange a time for us to speak at your organisation.

Story Work: Letting Stories Do the Work For You

Throughout history societies, communities and groups have relied on stories as a way of bonding, sharing traditions, expressing beliefs and customs and to simply learn. Much of our culture can be found expressed in our stories. And, just as our stories come from culture, they can also change our culture.

In the societies, communities and groups in which we’re a part of today, stories can take on a whole new level of richness and purpose. This is particularly evident in the stories that arise in our organisations, our businesses and our institutions of learning.

Basically stories can serve to:

  • Establish, reinforce and guide strategic direction
  • Allow us to make better decisions
  • Influence outcomes
  • Be a beacon for the future

So stories, when used in these ways, become far more than just storytelling. They become story work and they can do so many things for us as we seek to mobilise, engage and inspire the people with whom we come in contact.

Stories make it possible for a group of people to make sense of something that is fluid and changing.

Stories also allow information from an organisation (whether its a business institution or a learning institution) to guide and influence the learning within that organisation.

Furthermore, the simple art of sharing stories supports team building and strengthens common understanding in the participants.

How to make a start? Simply tell a story. Quite often you will get a story in return.

So embrace the power of stories and become enfolded in the work they can do for you.