New Year “re-solutions” – Lifestyle Transitions (Part 2)

Posted by Simon 31 December 2010
Filed under Lifestyle Transitions, News & Events, Observations & Insights.

When faced with a Lifestyle Transition, many of us don’t realise its full impact until too late. Hence, outcomes are rarely maximised. Many of us don’t even realise that it is an opportunity to grow and renew: to re-solve.  Others aren’t sure as to how to approach the transition and are left floundering with misaligned goals, an unachievable action plan and unfulfilled potential.

It is these transitions in our life, whether by design or by circumstance, that present us with a significant chance to change and transform and to begin to bring some major achievement to fruition. They should be approached not with caution but with enthusiasm, not with indifference but with commitment.

But there are other aspects that need to be considered when embracing and optimising a lifestyle transition. These aspects include a thorough appreciation of who you are and what is important to you as an individual, where you have come from and the skills you have acquired along the way. This appreciation needs to be coupled with an understanding of what it is that you are seeking to achieve and how best to utilise the situation that you’re currently in.

You will then be able to develop a strategy and make a plan so that you may capitalise on your current circumstances. This will position you to make informed decisions, focus on your future and clarify your aspirations and goals.

My work with individuals encountering lifestyle transitions has highlighted the need to provide a time for reflection on the past as well as an opportunity to look at the present with clarity of thought and an acknowledgement and acceptance of your hidden skills and talents. This allows a certainty, a sharper perspective and a wider field of vision when looking towards the future.

If you are keen to learn more about moving beyond setting simple “New Year Resolutions” to successfully embracing a “Lifestyle Transition” please join me for an experiential and interactive workshop that will enable you to transition, reposition and take the next steps.

For full details please refer the Lifestyle Transitions flyer or contact us on

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